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Turning Business Purpose Into Action w- RJ Kelly

Turning Business Purpose Into Action w/ RJ Kelly

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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Today on Episode #17 of The Sage Executive Podcast, join our host Robb Fahrion and his guest, RJ Kelly, as they talk about how your purpose and plans can lead to your actions. RJ is the Chief Visionary Officer of the Wealth Legacy Group. He works with successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives with their families to turn their vague intentions into specific and meaningful outcomes. Robb and RJ get into how he gets referrals, the value of forgiveness, why you should get mentors, and how writing might be better than digital note-taking. Stay tuned!

Learn how knowing your purpose leads into action! Listen to the podcast now on The Sage Executive Podcast!

Swimming in Referrals

The first step is you have to have different lanes of practice that can generate revenue. RJ has multiple streams of income. From asset management, personal investments, consulting, and insurance practice, he has many bases covered. This allows him to be someone that anyone can refer to with high confidence because you’re the best at what you do. When you know what you’re doing, people will recognize that and will tell others. But instead of waiting for referrals alone, know where you can find people’s most significant needs, and solve them. People will come knocking on your doors for your wisdom and knowledge, and those two things are what will keep you swimming in referrals.

Why Plus What Equals How

If you want to know how you want to live your life, you have to your why and what. RJ primarily lives by his faith in God, and he also makes it his purpose to be dangerous for good. What that means is that he wants to live on the edge to be able to provide for others. His goal is to hit a billion dollars for philanthropy. Because he knows what he wants (to help others) and why (because of his faith), he can figure out how he could get to that billion-dollar goal! Currently, he crossed $100 million in August 2012 and now on their way to passing the second hundred million.

The Impact of Feedback

RJ quotes Ken Blanchard; feedback is the breakfast of champions. Always be open for people to tell you where you’re failing. Be active in asking what you could do better for your team. IF you build this kind of mindset, you’re going to be able to face anger and criticism peacefully. Remember, even the most random criticism can have something for you. Never close yourself off to them, and build a mindset that’s accepting of them.

About RJ Kelly:

My name is R.J. Kelly! I am a Registered Investment Advisor and Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Wealth Legacy Group®, Inc. For over thirty years, I have specialized in the diverse planning needs of closely-held business and professional families. Through our proprietary and comprehensive process, WLG helps clarify what matters most to clients. Having clarity brings a prioritizing of goals. Having crystalized goals brings confidence which inspires action and results. By using the WLG process, it brings peace of mind for addressing the ever-increasing challenges of business and life. Coupled with our annual review process, planning and growth stays “on target” to reach higher levels of results and satisfaction. So, are you ready to plan a better and brighter future?

Outline of the Episode:

  • [00:15] Asking intrusive questions as a business. Turning vague intentions into specific and meaningful outcomes.
  • [02:05] A desire to be a dangerous man for good.
  • [04:09] The importance of knowing your “why” and “what” to get the “how”.
  • [10:30] Forgiving others and accepting that life is difficult.
  • [14:40] Retaining information through papers and your fingertips. Don’t underestimate writing out your thoughts!
  • [18:15] Celebrating by getting a Frappuccino and visiting places you haven’t seen yet.


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October 20, 2020



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