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4 Simple Ways to Quickly Double Your Website Traffic with SEO Changes

4 Simple Ways to Quickly Double Your Website Traffic with SEO Changes

Reading Time: 8 minutes

As a website owner, we all want to attract as much traffic to our website as possible. Getting a better hang of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and processes can help you attract more organice search visibility of that traffic. There are millions of people looking for a relevant product or information on the internet and search engines are generally used to find this information.

Understanding search engines and deep expertise of SEO could help you build your brand awareness and reach. According to HubSpot, about 80% of a website’s traffic is generated through or comes via search queries. It is for this reason the importance of quality SEO practices exist, and that optimization must happen over and over and over again.

Gaining top rankings for a site in the results returned by search engines takes up a lot of research and experimentation. Google continues to update its search algorithm in frequent intervals, which makes it imperative to stay abreast with the latest happenings in the world of search engines and search optimization.

Below, we identify 4 simple ways to quickly double your website traffic with SEO changes that will affect the way these search engines view your website!


Let’s Talk A Little Bit About SEO

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing the visibility of a website or portal by helping it secure a higher rank in the organic results of major search engines.

The more frequently a website appears in the top results of a search engine, the higher the likelihood that the website will attract more online traffic.

There are billions of websites on the Internet covering hundreds of thousands of topics. Your website in the absence of some additional SEO effort and technical SEO configuration will fail to make a mark in such a crowded environment.

SEO is increasingly becoming an essential part of internet marketing efforts of both small and large organizations.

What Does SEO Work Entail?

Firms providing SEO support carry out a variety of research activities for their clients that help them find out about the latest algorithms that are in effect by prominent search engines.

These teams also look to seek which keywords are being used by users to find about particular products or services, and what search engines are used the most by their client’s target audience. Performing keyword research is an essential jumping off point for any SEO efforts.

The research helps SEO experts put relevant keywords on their client’s websites, build inbound and outbound links, develop quality content, and remove barriers that may be hindering the indexing activities of search engine crawlers.

In time, these SEO efforts will get consistent traffic for your website and contribute generously to your bottom line.

You would be surprised to know that every day over 3.5 billion searches are made using the search engine giant Google to conduct searches. Adweek studies show that close to 80 percent of people in the USA conduct thorough research on the web before proceeding to buy a product or a service.

How to Benefit From SEO Efforts

To achieve your desired SEO objectives and results, it is of utmost importance to ensure your website scores on the first page of the result returned by Google. Ranking on the first page is essential to gain better online visibility which invariably translates into better traffic and subsequently more revenue and profit. However, this is very difficult and takes plenty of time and effort.

If your website is not on the first page of search engine results pages, then there is a substantial probability that you will NOT get traffic since, according to Junto Digital, over 80 percent of people looking for information via search engines usually do not go beyond the first page.


Essential SEO Techniques to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Below are essential SEO techniques that will help you enhance your online visibility, double your website traffic, and help visitors convert into customers. For heightened conversion optimization, you need other factors to work in tandem as well, such as better lead capturing, good sales pitches, detailed product pages, and more. One thing to consider is the benefits of conversion rate optimization when configuring your website.

You will agree that you cannot sell to people who are not there and herein lies the importance of good SEO, getting people to your website.

Here are 4 Ways to Quickly Double Your Website Traffic, which will enhance your online visibility and increase your online profits and revenue:

1. Do an SEO Audit of Your Website

A thorough audit of your website helps you discover the underlying factors for your website’s poor performance and low rankings. Many organizations can carry out the auditing job for you for certain fees, or some companies offer free SEO website reviews. However, it is not an extremely complicated process, and you can avoid spending more money than required by auditing your website.

To put it in general terms, auditing is a systematic examination of a concept to determine where you presently stand and what can be done to derive better results in the future. Auditing in SEO lingo refers to a growth hacking technique that will aid you in attracting and retaining more customers.

Proper SEO auditing lets you keep a close tab on your site’s overall performance and take corrective measures depending upon the findings. Auditing may not initially look like an advanced SEO technique that could help you sort out your low ranking problem, but auditing can go a long way in rectifying simple errors that were made incorrect during website creation.

Below are the few simple steps that you need to perform during an audit check:

Check #1: Find out if all your website’s pages have SEO meta titles and descriptions.

Check #2: Are you sure that each page on your website is optimized for SEO keywords? You have to ensure that the optimization is carried out properly without resorting to keyword stuffing.

Check #3: Are you sure about your Uniform Resource Locator (URL) structure for search engines? Your URL should be short, simple, and help the search engine comprehend what the page is all about.

For example, with a URL like, you can easily make out that the organization offers subtitling services. On the other hand, a URL like can confuse the daylights out of the search engine. It will have a difficult time comprehending the topic of that post.

Check #4: Ensure that all pages and blog posts follow a proper formatting structure.

  • Keep paragraph lengths short.
  • Do not use more than 2-3 lines per paragraph.
  • Optimize pages for a call-to-action.
  • Make bold or italicize essential points to highlight.
  • Break the pages into smaller parts like Heading (H1) and subheading (H2). Most people go through essential points rather than reading the entire blog word by word. Make it easy for them to follow and understand what you intend to say.

Check #5: Ensure all your images have keywords in their ALT tags.

Check #6: Ensure that you are using links connecting to both your internal content and external websites. Linking is vital as Google pays significant consideration to the number of links going to and from a site to determine its quality and relevance.

If you’re not sure what to do for the audit portion, hit us up. We offer free SEO audits!


2. Simple Tips for URL Optimization

Use simple, easy to understand URLs — if a person has a tough time deciphering your URL, there is a strong possibility that search engines will not recognize it either.

Make use of hyphens — do not substitute hyphens with underscores as Google does not recognize underscores.

Avoid using capital letters — URLs are case sensitive. Refrain from using capital letters which can seriously confuse search engine robots as well as your visitors.

Block bad URLs with robots.txt — ask search engines to disregard dynamic URLs that point to your canonical URL.


3. Pay Close Attention to What Users Want

Please keep in mind that Google is not an advertising company. They are a platform for advertisers. Google is a big data company that gathers data from users to provide them with a better search experience.

Consider yourself as a big data company whose primary purpose should be to keep a close tab on what users want. Doing so will enable you to develop content that will resonate with them. Please remember that the opinion of your customers matters the most. It is the public that determines whose idea, concept, product, or article gets shared and funded.


4. Write at Least 1,890 Words on Blog Posts – Sometimes

Backlinko analyzed 1 million searches and found the average first-page search result was 1,890 words. A lot of studies and research have taken place to determine if there is any relation between content length and search engine rankings. The analysis by Backlinko revealed that all the top five search results had a content length exceeding 1,900 words. Another experiment by famous blogger Neil Patel revealed that his content of 1,500 hundred words or more received double the social shares than the one with 1,500 words or less.

However, in no way does this imply that you will get away with a lousy job just because of your content length. A relevant and well-researched blog is still likely to garner more attention than a lengthy piece which is irrelevant and poorly written.

The way to proceed is to write slightly lengthy articles in a way that all topics get appropriate consideration and the reader can derive meaningful information from it. Please remember that what humans find most valuable is most likely to be found valuable by Google as well. Another benefit of lengthy content is that it will allow you to place in more relevant keywords without the risk of being accused of keyword stuffing.

On the flip side, long-form content is not always best. If long-form cornerstone content is not formatted correctly, it could be a giant waste of your time. Consider this article on how to create cornerstone content for more information.


Be Sure to Track Improvement

In conclusion, these efforts are all ways that can help you to double your website traffic. Start by implementing a few of these and check analytics to see how the changes took hold. Continue to create valuable information and find creative ways to promote that new content. Most of all, be patient and be ready to adjust. The internet, and SEO in particular, is a constantly evolving beast. Always test and try new ideas to improve your online presence!

Thanks for checking out 4 Simple Ways to Quickly Double Your Website Traffic with SEO Changes.

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February 21, 2019



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