Very soon we will ring in 2019 with new hopes and new goals. Just like any other new year, 2019 will also come with big promises and big resolutions. It is the same almost everywhere and for every sector when the new year arrives.
When a new year begins, new hope begins, and people also set new targets in personal, professional, and business life. It is no different setting goals for your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts too. As predicted by many experts, 2019 is all set to become an exciting year for SEO.
As the competition is growing fiercely on the web and so is content production, the search engine algorithm factors too are increasingly becoming complicated. Search engines have been continuously improving the quality of search results by upgrading their algorithms with new technologies and methodologies. In 2019, these improvements will continue, and we will see many new technologies setting in to improve the search results even more.
The way virtual reality, artificial intelligence, voice control, and the reliance on mobile is increasing day by day, it seems 2019 is going to be a happening year in the perspective of SEO. While hiring a professional or SEO agency for your SEO responsibilities, make sure whom you decide to hire is capable of thinking ahead of your market trends. This person or agency should be able to take up any challenges thrown at them and be ready to adapt to the latest technologies and trends that will impact Search Engine Optimization activities in the year 2019.
Let’s take a look at why 2019 will make you re-think SEO trends and your techniques!
SEO Techniques that will Trend in 2019
Voice Search is Going to Dominate Soon
Voice search is drawing a lot of attention for its growing popularity amongsusers. Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri are providing users with hassle-free assistance when asked for it. This user-friendly technology is slowly occupying people’s primary search functionality and making every task in hand very convenient. Both Siri and Alexa have taken charge in increasing the popularity of voice search alongside assisting users in providing the maximum amount of information they can afford to give out.
Now, typing queries are not the only option for us to search. For quicker results, many people are turning to the help of voice assistants. Its ease of use and availability has made it the most preferred choice for many online web surfers.
By the end of 2020, voice search will be the most preferred mode of search and account for over 50% of the total searches across the globe. It is believed, by the end of 2019, the growing demand for voice search assistants will change many dynamics in SEO. Voice search will bring unexpected changes in the industry, as both content and keywords will be required to contain structure according to the search made by users using it. It will be completely different from the traditional searching methods and important that businesses configure websites for voice search SEO.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Have a Major Impact on SERP
The impact of Artificial Intelligence on the search engine result pages and ranking of websites will be prevalent in 2019. Google uses Artificial Intelligence to imitate human behavior on these websites. Thus, Google extracts large sums of user data to show how user-friendly the sites are and how valuable they would be in search engine results.
All other major search engines will begin to use Artificial Intelligence to create the same impressions for their users. Moreover, the websites that prove to have high usability levels will be pushed upwards in the rankings. The trend shows how Artificial Intelligence would impact SEO in 2019 when search results further take user behavior on a site into account.
Growing Demand for Paid Advertisements
2018 saw diminishing available space for organic listings in all major search engines including Google. Instead, paid search ads are getting more popular as almost all search engines have started to give more space to paid advertisements. The preference to place paid advertisements in high visibility areas is pushing organic listings further and further down the page.
SEO experts assume that SEO professionals will be forced to use a combination of both organic and paid ads to remain in the competition. Marketers will also have to change their strategies to prevent them from falling further down in search engine page rankings, which will be inevitable if they bank only on organic SEO. A healthy dose of organic SEO, paid search advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing will be important.
Increasing Dependency on Mobile Phones
After the invention of smartphones, users have started doing more work and searching on their mobile phones year over year over year. Mobile phones have changed the SEO game due to their extreme relevance and use. Before the emergence of smartphones, all searches were done either on desktops or laptops. With the increasing use of mobile phones, the use of the internet has also increased.
SEO experts anticipate this control of mobile phones will not only continue in 2019 but also increase furthermore. In 2019, the growing use of mobile phones and its far-reaching implications will require all website content to focus primarily on optimization for mobile phone users.
As 2019 approaches, be sure that you are ready for the drastic changes that are coming in the digital marketing world. Look at your existing strategies and determine what adjustments you will need to make in order to stay up with the always moving trends of digital marketing.