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Marketing A Construction Company: How Flying V Group Leverages Digital To Help Construction Brands Reach Their Clients

Marketing A Construction Company: How Flying V Group Leverages Digital To Help Construction Brands Reach Their Clients

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Most industries and businesses leverage the power of digital to market their services and reach a wider audience. Construction companies are no exception. Most firms in the industry have adopted digital strategies to get more visibility, generate leads, and of course, increase the revenue flow.

However, running a construction marketing campaign can be tricky.  You’re dealing with high ticket prices, so the sales cycles tend to be longer. Getting a good number of leads is always challenging; and if you are a niche service provider, it can get trickier.

Regardless, there are many companies in the construction industry that has leveraged digital to reap massive rewards. At Flying V group, we have discovered some key aspects of marketing a construction company using digital to reach new customers and have a better chance of getting them onboard. This blog will outline some of these strategies. Read on!

What Are theTop Construction Marketing Strategies to Focus On?

Okay, let’s get started. We examine  a strategy holistically before we jump into any project. It makes sense for us to understand the audience, understand the goals,  and then decide what channels to use.  Here are some of the top strategies we use.

Identify and Define Your Audience

Everything starts here. Understanding who you are talking to and what challenges they face. This will help in creating better content, targeting the audience better, and making easier communications.

How do you do it, you ask? Well, our favorite way is to use audience personas to start with. Look at the various businesses and services you offer and define who your customers are  for this business. If you are a home builder, it could be a real estate business or a homeowner. It could be business heads if you work in commercial construction. It’s also important to go a bit deeper.  Understand these personas and what additional parameters could be used to define them. Demographic parameters like age and years of experience may be relevant. So would things like interests and likes.

The more tightly you can define your audience, the better your marketing campaigns will be. This is the starting point of any campaign.

Look at Goals and Milestones

Any growth marketing strategy is defined by the goals you set out to achieve. For a good and successful marketing campaign,  it’s also important to have your goals defined clearly.  Consider the big goals that you want to meet with your digital outreach. More engagement? More leads? Better online visibility? Penning these down and assigning aspirational numbers to each is the first step.

A campaign can have more than one main goal,  and it is important to make these goals SMART. Get cracking on making them measurable, which will make tracking them every month easier.

You should also break these goals down into smaller milestones. It also helps to have some lead metrics. Assuming you have a lead generation goal, you need to know if you are on the right track. So having enough website visitors and having good conversion rates for your landing pages are important lead metrics because they ensure  you have enough input, which could ultimately lead to your lead generation goal.

Website is Key

Having a well-designed website is the number 1 priority. If you are building an online presence and people will come to your website, make sure your website design is tailored to give these visitors the best experience.

Your homepage should contain all the services you offer and what distinguishes your brand. It’s also important to include phone numbers in highly visible areas of your website so that potential clients can reach you via phone calls without having to jump through hoops. Also, include relevant calls to action on all pages to convert visitors to leads.

The company’s website is very important in creating the right customer experience and enhancing the brand. A construction company’s website is no different. Include case studies, testimonials, and contact forms on the website to make it informative and practical.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Regularly getting organic visitors to your website is the most sustainable way to run digital campaigns. Most of your potential customers from your target audience search for construction services using Google search or other search engines. Having a page that ranks high on the search engine results page (SERPs) will get you a good number of organic leads.

SEO is a solid source of qualified leads. Many business owners who have done SEO correctly can generate a steady stream of new business without spending loads of money on paid advertising like Google ads or social media ads.

Local SEO is also an important element to focus on. Local SEO allows you to show up on Google’s local listings sections of the SERPs when you search for businesses in a locality. If you are based in San Diego, California, and a potential lead search for “Home construction companies in San Diego,” you must be at the top of the search results.

Keyword research and planning are important in launching a good SEO campaign going. Look at your various business, understand what your audiences are searching for, and what are some of the keywords that your competition is ranking for. Once you understand these, you can create a plan to include these keywords on your website content and do other SEO activities to ensure that your search rankings are improving.

It’s a good place to remind you that SEO  takes time to deliver results. You will not start ranking overnight for the keywords you are targeting because Google’s algorithm takes time to update the rankings and reflect your changes.   Balancing your campaign with pay-per-click advertising is a good way to meet your short-term goals.

Get Your Content Creation Juices Flowing

Content marketing is vital for any digital marketing campaign, which is true for construction companies. So for most of our campaigns, we focus a lot on content. It’s a great idea to build your marketing team with an emphasis on content creation.

When we talk about content, there is a lot of variety in this too. You are looking at blogs, case studies, videos, infographics, and even reels/TikToks if you are adventurous enough and much more. Figuring out what the audience wants and creating content that fulfills that need is the way to go.

One idea is to look at lead magnets or content pillars like educational content in videos/ebooks. This could cover a large complex topic in detail, and you can break this content down and use it in various channels. Infographics or smaller videos for LinkedIn or other social media platforms or blogs cover some aspects of this.

Getting creative with content can reap huge rewards in the long run. It’s also important to be authentic and credible. The focus of the content you create should be to  provide  solutions to your customers’ problems.  After all, the  all marketing efforts aim to help your customers solve their problems.

Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and Paid Advertising

Now to the other channels that are often not given enough importance in many campaigns. Social media is integral to gaining more visibility for your brand and engaging with your community. Building your social media audience is a great way to ensure that you can easily disseminate the content you create and that potential clients are aware of who you are and what you do. Having a Facebook page for your business, posting content on LinkedIn and Instagram, and answering questions on platforms like Quora are all important. Leads are unlikely to be converted with just one touchpoint. You need multiple touchpoints. Social media increases brand awareness and gives you a better chance at converting leads through another touchpoint.

Paid advertising is also a great option to consider. PPC campaigns are very handy in generating leads from common search terms on Google. It allows you to generate leads quickly and effectively, and you only pay for the clicks, so it’s quite cost-effective too. However, the cost of acquiring a lead may be higher using paid advertising depending on how competitive the search terms are and the locality you are based. You can also use paid advertising on social media platforms to expose your content to a larger audience and generate more leads.

Email marketing is the most powerful channel that many businesses do not use well. Despite the growth in popularity of other marketing tactics, email remains a strong contender. It is personal and customizable if you use a marketing tool and rely on automation. Using regular newsletters that the audience can sign up for, you can send your best-performing content to your audience. You can also send personalized communications, do sales follow-ups and give offers by email. Using a good email marketing tool, you can also segment your email database well to get better results from your email marketing efforts.

Parting Thoughts

Construction businesses can be niche, and business owners can be quite reluctant to embrace digital fully.  Looking around at the success that some of the leading construction companies have had using digital, it is not a difficult task to convince your leadership to prioritize digital  marketing.

Digital marketing allows marketing teams to narrowly target the audience you want to reach,  communicate with them in their language, and solve your potential customer’s problems with content and other initiatives.

However, it is quite easy to burn through your digital marketing budgets with nothing to show for it if you are not smart with your spending. Working with an experienced marketing agency is the way to go if you are short on good marketing ideas and don’t have enough experience in running digital campaigns.

Leave the heavy lifting to us at Flying V Group. We have helped hundreds of large and small businesses achieve great digital campaign results.  Do you want to know how? Contact us today!

September 12, 2022



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