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How to Do Local Keyword Research: How to Get Your Brand In Front of Local Audiences

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Before we begin guiding you on how to do local keyword research, it’s first important to know what this local keyword research term means. In simple terms, when a person is on Google looking for the answers to the numerous questions their brain keeps asking them, they break the question into keywords and type them into the Google search box. Keyword research is simply identifying the right keywords people might type to find certain answers, which might also be related to products or services. Localize this keyword research to a certain geography and you finally understand what Local Keyword Research would be.

Why is Local Keyword Research Important?

This local keyword research is an important step towards website optimization, which is a must for local businesses trying to get registered with the crowd they are looking to do business with. By doing a deep research on the keywords, especially the keywords in your business’s location, then adding those words to your  website/landing pages, etc., you can help your business page rank on the top results of the search engine result page for a particular target audience query.

There are Two Types of Keywords – Implicit and Explicit.

When a person searches for products or services without getting into specifics the keywords used are termed implicit. For example – A person searching for ‘pet grooming services’.

But when this search gets a little more specific it is called an explicit search, like instead of typing ‘pet grooming services’, you type ‘Rottweiler grooming in Brooklyn’.

Although, even while doing an implicit search, Google knowing your location gives you the best search result based on that particular location.

How to Do a Local Keyword Research

First and foremost you must be clear on three things:

  • Main keywords/core keywords – What is it that you are selling. What is your product or service?
  • Core keyword modifiers – How are you different or what sets you apart from other businesses.
  • Location – What location do you serve?

Let’s delve a little deeper into the above 3 points:

What is Your Product or Offering?

You need to clearly define your services and break everything you do into keywords. For example, if you offer pet grooming and related services you would want to include terms like – ‘Pet Grooming’, ‘Pet Care’, ‘Pet care products’, ‘Rottweiler Grooming’, ‘Labrador Care’, ‘Labrador Grooming products’, etc. on your website.

To include more and more words that relate to your business – the products or services you offer, try doing a Google search and search for keywords on the top ranked search results.

How Are You Different from Competition? What is Your Unique Selling Point?

Here you add some adjectives or adverbs or even state what are your business differentiators. If you have a ‘quick service option’ or if you are the ‘fastest pet grooming service’ or if you use ‘premium products for pet grooming’, then use these keywords in your website copy. These make you rank better in the SERP with the search keywords being more specific via the extenders. Through these modifiers you also provide more ways (keywords) through which your business can be identified.

There are tools in the market that extend your core keywords. They identify commonly searched keyword modifiers based on your core keywords.

What Location Do You Serve?

You simply need to add your geography based keywords here.

When people search with the intent to buy a product or book an appointment for a service, they want location based results. Even if they use implicit keywords, Google knowing their location gives results based on their location. However, adding location based keywords makes your business search rankings better and again, more specific. For example, if you are a Pet Grooming store in Brooklyn, New York; adding these location keywords will only help you get identified better in the local results.

Over and above the 3 points to identify the right keywords for your business, another important point you need to go through is Search Intent and how you should categorize relevant keywords based on the customer intent when they search for products or services.

In a broader category, search intent is either Commercial, Informational or Navigational.

Commercial search intent means when the customer/user is intending to make a purchase or do a transaction. This is basically done after the user has done their due diligence in gathering all the information they need to come to a conclusion.

Some users just want to do their research before making a purchase or booking a service. They want to gather information on the product or services they want to receive, see the pros and cons, study the competition, check pricing and do comparisons, etc. This is informational search intent.

Navigational search intent is where the user already knows you and types in the search keywords with your brand name to visit your website.

You should not only depend on the local keyword research but also organically build your brand.

It is not necessary that all customers would land on your page through a local keyword search. If they have seen your brand’s presence elsewhere and remember the name as well as the services you offer, they will simply type those relevant keywords and look for your website or landing page.

This process quickly develops from a navigational to commercial search intent.

You always want your organic discovery to be diverse as it builds more connections or more paths for your website to be discovered, thus building a bigger customer base over time.

Remember to explore different ways/tactics of reaching out to your customers based on their search intent. No one way is ever going to be suitable for all the different stages of a customer purchase journey at any given point of time.

  • The commercial intent is more transactional in nature and hence without asking any kind of detours you should focus on increasing your landing page ranking. Here the customer will land, select the service and make a transaction in the least possible steps.
  • When the customer is in information gathering mode, you should increase the ranking of your product and service information landing page. You can also add contextual links to related third-party conversations, blogs, videos, etc. Remember, you do not want to rush to a transaction here, rather you want to build their trust by providing them relevant topics or information to read, not only from your own website but external trustworthy resources as well. Use these external information sources to increase your page rankings.
  • Here you simply need your website ranking to be the best. You won’t leave a good impression with a customer if after specifically typing your name they do not find you among the top results.

Always make sure to have an intent filter to your list of keywords to help your page rank better.

With all the above information your local keyword research will surely churn out better results than a simple guess work of words based on common sense. Do your proper research on the product or service you want to sell, study the customer and their intent accordingly use a good mix of the above mentioned information to get best results.

If you don’t have the time to research and integrate local keywords, FVG can be of great help. With over a decade of experience, we at FVG know how to optimize your website for local keywords to help you rank higher in local search results. From integrating keywords to optimizing your local listing, our experts can guide you in getting your brand before audiences.

Reach out to us today to find out how we can help jumpstart your local marketing campaign.


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January 14, 2022



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