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How to Do Shopify Email Marketing Right For 39%-Plus ROI And Conversions

How to Do Shopify Email Marketing Right For 39%-Plus ROI And Conversions

Reading Time: 6 minutes

At Flying V Group, we’re always looking for new ways to improve your marketing ROI, and to find channels that help increase revenue for your eCommerce store. In today’s digital world, there are plenty of new and shiny options, from automation to influencer marketing. But there’s one tried-and-tested marketing channel we’ve sworn by for years when it comes to consistent, high quality lead generation: email marketing. Email? Really?? Yes, absolutely.

Many marketing professionals turned their noses up at email marketing. But the stigma attached doesn’t bear itself out when it comes to the numbers: on average, we’ve seen email marketing campaigns deliver upwards of 39 percent higher ROI for clients.

Shopify eCommerce is a particularly good fit for email marketing: your audience is spread across the country (or even the world!) and there are minimal physical touch points.

In this blog, we talk about how your Shopify store can do better through smart email marketing strategies. We also discuss some of the tools you can use, and the things to consider when you are designing your email marketing strategy. Let’s get started!

Fight Cart Abandonment with reminders

One of the more common email marketing use-cases for eCommerce is to fight cart abandonment. This is a critical area. If you can convert a significant portion of abandoned carts to orders, it’ll have a direct impact on your revenue. Email marketing can play a great role here to push those customers to complete that transaction.

Adding items to a cart is a major indicator of purchase intent. An item that’s left in the cart is something the customer actually wants, making it just about the easiest sell if you can find the right trigger.

Assessing why carts are abandoned will help you understand and realize these triggers. What’s standing in between your customer and that purchase? Is it financial? Does it have to with delivery timeframes, or something else entirely? You can come up with interesting ways to incentivize your customer to make the purchase. Can you offer a one-time discount? Or free delivery? There are a number of positive and negative triggers you can use. For instance, letting your customers know that the items are running out of stock or that the prices are increasing might incentivize customers to buy now instead of waiting or shopping around for a better deal.

Make sure to include clear CTAs  that push users to purchase when sending out your cart abandonment emails.

Building brand familiarity through an email drop and newsletter.

Emails are great ways to increase brand familiarity. Through targeted newsletters and email drip campaigns, you can do a great deal in terms of engaging and educating your audience. These newsletters can feature products, share content, and advertise offers you have running.

Email newsletters give you an opportunity to present your audience with more information about your brand and your initiatives. You will be able to build an engaged set of followers if you leverage newsletters the right way. How do you do this? Let’s find out.

Create a template that stays consistent. Remember to send m newsletters at a fixed frequency – weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.  Having a specific frequency, schedule, and format helps build familiarity with your audience.

Provide real value through your newsletters too. Keep in mind that your customer is receiving 100s of emails like yours and it is important to provide users can actually do something with. There are plenty of ways to deliver value, from personalized product suggestions to reviews, to exclusive benefits and discounts. Remember to space out discounts and offers, though: if you always have a sale going on, customers will simply feel like your sale price is your regular price.

Build out an email list

Before you begin your email marketing journey, you need to get that email list sorted. Having a list of email addresses isn’t enough. You also need to make sure that users consented to receive your emails, too. Building out your email list is a slow process, but it’s incredibly valuable once set up. Here are a few things you can do.

Use popups and banners

Your website is your best source when it comes to email list subscribers. Use banners and popups to draw attention to resources like an eBook or newsletter, then offer value in exchange for an email address. Make sure your banners are responsive and that they don’t negatively impact the overall user experience: intrusive banners will just annoy users and encourage them to close out of your site.

Run popups and banners before product launches and other offers to encourage more customers to sign up. If you are running an offer, provide early-bird discounts and other incentives to those signing up for email updates.

Use exit-intent popups

Exit intent popups show up when the user is navigating away from your store. These are normally used to persuade the customer to stay on your site and continue engagement. But they’re also a good way to collect email IDs.

Simple, but persuasive messaging here’ can significantly increase your email sign-ups. If a user is genuinely interested in the product or services you have to offer but aren’t considering making a purchase now, these pop ups help you keep them in the system. A personalized approach works great here. For instance, if a user spent a considerable amount of time on a particular product page before exiting, your exit intent popup could offer deals on related products in exchange for an email sign up.

Offer email sign up incentives

People need to be incentivized to give you their email IDs. You will want to think about ways to provide value and convince users to sign up. Offering them a special member discount or additional benefits like free delivery or support can increase the chances of them signing up on your website. Identify what your customer challenges and needs are, then build incentives around those points.

The best email marketing software to use for Shopify

Now that we have discussed the why and the what, let’s look at the how. Which email marketing software delivers the best results? There are a host of options available in the market. Let’s take a few of our top picks for Shopify.


Klaviyo is an email marketing tool that’s specifically designed for eCommerce, with a number of useful built-in features. It lets you automate your email marketing and also offers deep reporting and analytics features,adding strategic value. Klaviyo automatically segments data from across your website: This enables you to target your emails more effectively, ensuring that the right message reaches the right people. is a predictive email marketing tool that lets you personalize your email recommendations. Using predictive analytics, Rare.up automates the process of sharing relevant product information. With cost-effective and scalable pricing, Rare gives you pay-as-you-go flexibility for smaller campaigns.

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is a simple email marketing solution that works best for small and medium-sized eCommerce businesses. It’s drag and drop functionality helps you easily create beautifully formatted copy and graphics for your campaigns . Campaign Monitor also focuses on transactional emails. This’ll help integrate your marketing efforts with the customer’s pre and post-purchase experience on the same platform.

Test, measure, and iterate

Email marketing campaigns can take a while to get working at optimum efficiency. Getting there is a process of testing, measuring, and integrating your insights back into the process. A/B test various styles of email, different subject lines, and different CTAs to learn what works best for you.

Keeping a close eye on the revenue gained through email marketing is also important. Having a revenue goal is critical to the long-term success of your email marketing strategy. Measure and benchmark parameters like open rates, click rates, and conversion. Clickthrough and purchase numbers for email offers and discounts are a great way to directly attribute email marketing efforts to purchases. Identify what’s working,  then integrate this other areas of your campaign. This feedback loop is important in gradually increasing the ROI across your marketing efforts, not just email.


No, email marketing isn’t dead, and it isn’t going anywhere. In our experience, direct email outreach has a huge, directly attributable impact on eCommerce lead gen and sales.

If you’re a Shopify storefront owner, never underestimate the power of a well-crafted, personalized, and CTA-driven email campaign.

The results you’ll realize from a smart approach to email will more than justify the effort.


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