The FVG Approach to Content Success_ Process, Planning, and Execution

The FVG Approach to Content Success: Process, Planning, and Execution

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Content marketing is the central pillar for most marketing teams today. We at FVG also follow this principle. We believe in the power of good content and the business value that can be generated through it. Good content forms the foundational layer, on top of which we build a solid marketing strategy.

Generating good content marketing ROI is not an easy task. It takes a lot of work to create content that is SEO friendly, promote it on various channels, and ensure that it can generate leads for the business too.

We at FVG have a track record of many successful content campaigns that have helped the clients meet their goals and then some. It is time to unpack our secret. Here’s the FVG approach to content planning and success.

Getting Started – Client’s Needs

If this is not the starting point, then the strategy is not getting anywhere. So, like all good client-centric marketing strategies, we begin with what the client needs.

Client interviews are integral to how we structure our content approach. Lead generation is almost always on the agenda even if the client does not specify it. How we get there is what varies.

We ask our clients a lot of questions and compile a lot of data in the process. The questions range from telling us more about the business model, the audience profile, core focus areas, their current marketing strategy, business goals they are chasing, and more.

One of the important things we do is to get a sense of the customer journey that the end customer goes through so that we can accurately determine where content can play a role in this. It also gives us a good sense of who the target audience is and what they are looking for.

Identifying the Goals and the Key Metrics

The interviews give an overview of what the client wants to do and how we should be doing it. The next step in our process is to set up goals for the campaigns and to broadly define what content marketing success looks like.

If we are to calculate the return on investment and show real value, it is important to define the key metrics that you are chasing and what are the benchmarks you want to set. We do that quite diligently.

We look at important aspects like

  • Click-through rates and conversion rates
  • Average google search rankings
  • Brand awareness
  • Social media engagement and following
  • Page views and organic traffic

And much more and set some key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with each. We sometimes also refer to these as key performance actions (KPAs).

Once these goals are set and we have lead and lag metrics established, we can begin the process of identifying broad content buckets and begin content creation.

Identifying Content Clusters and Wireframing

We love beginning our process by identifying some broad areas around which content is to be created. This is typically distilled from the client interview insights, and also from SEO keyword research. We dig quite deep to find keywords that can we can rank easily on.

We also do quite a bit of work in identifying what is the level of depth that each content should go into and how to approach each piece of content. Wireframing is an important process as it outlines the content in detail and helps guide the content writers who will ultimately be putting the content together.

Wireframing is key as it allows us to control the narrative and also make sure that relevant keywords and search terms are included in the blog. It also makes sure that it covers good actionable content that the audience would find valuable.

The content clusters could also include other types of content like case studies, webinars, videos, infographics, podcasts, and ebooks depending on the campaign strategy and of course the marketing budgets.

Managing Writers and Content Creation

Writers are integral to the process of content marketing. At FVG, we work with a set of subject matter experts that are experienced writers who can craft the content using the best approach and their experience in the particular space. The writers are given a lot of context from the client’s perspective. They also receive the wireframe along with the keywords to ensure that the content satisfies both the SEO aspects and it also has depth in terms of actionable insights.

The writers come with a good understanding of the client’s business and also do thorough research to make sure that the content is relevant and also actionable. Search engine algorithms look for a lot of parameters and these need to be kept in mind while the content is being created.

We obsess over quality and we employ a rigorous process to ensure that the clients receive the best content from the writers. We also make sure that there are relevant CTAs linked to the landing pages are included in the content to ensure conversion.

Copy Editing and Other Necessary Additions

Just writing good content is never enough. It also needs to do some more to ensure that conversions are coming from it and we can influence the goals we are chasing through the quality content we create.

Copy editing is one of the most important aspects of the process. We make sure that the blog content adheres to the highest standards of quality, and covers the topic in the required depth. Copy editing makes sure of this.

Beyond just copy editing, there are a couple of other aspects that need to be taken care of. Social integrations are one of the important ones. You need to make sure that the content is easily shareable on social media platforms. Social shares ensure that it reaches more people.

It is also important to add relevant internal links in the content to other important pages and other blog posts. This will help in ensuring that the potential customers spend more time on the site going through the content.

Uploading and Promoting the Content

Once the content has been finalized, the next step is to upload the content on the site and promote it using various channels. Social media remains an important part of promotions. Email marketing is also an important aspect of our content marketing strategy.

The content is posted on various social media channels with associated captions. It is made sure that the approach taken on LinkedIn is not blindly repeated on Facebook or Instagram.

Email newsletters are also relevant in promotions. We include the best-performing content in the newsletters and send it out to the audience to ensure more views for the content.

Attribution models are another aspect we cover in the process. If we are to measure ROI from the content marketing efforts, we need to understand where the conversions are coming from. Attribution helps us in this. We can track the number of leads that signed up from the content we created and showcase value.

Measuring Success and Reporting

The final step in our process is of course reporting and tracking of content performance and understanding the overall effectiveness of the content marketing campaign. Keeping an eye on the results is important as constant optimization is needed to make sure that the campaign is working at the highest efficiency.

We rely on data from Google Analytics and other analytics tools to keep track of what is working. Organic search traffic is an important metric and it shows us the effectiveness of our SEO efforts. The number of qualified leads and ultimately the number of new customers that the business signed up that can be attributed to the campaign is also important in calculating the overall ROI of your content marketing.


Content marketing is central to the digital marketing strategy today. We at FVG are firm believers in the idea that good content can still be the differentiator for your marketing. Digital marketers can easily start focusing on just PPC and other paid ads, but if you need sustained results, you need a good amount of organic website traffic, and content marketing is what will give you that.

Our approach is all about understanding what the end customer wants and creating content that will resonate with them. We believe in providing real value to the customers through the content, and ultimately helping the sales team close more deals.

ROI of content marketing comes from the revenue impact that good content can create while keeping the bottom line in check. We at FVG focus incessantly on that.

Want to give your content marketing the FVG touch? Reach us today!


Thank you so much for reading The FVG Approach to Content Success: Process, Planning, and Execution . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know.

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Written by Robb Fahrion

Robb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. Robb has helped over 350+ companies build their businesses online and is responsible for building Flying V Group into one of the premier marketing agencies in the United States. Robb and his team have managed over $10M in marketing budget and continue to accelerate the growth of clients' businesses. A love for business and competition is what fuels Robb to create dynamic marketing plans to help his clients grow exponentially.

March 31, 2022



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