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Envirocool Tech Start-up Awards Flying V Group with Website Project

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Envirocool ( is a tech startup in the commercial trucking industry that provides a patented Air Management System that delivers up to 10% fuel savings by replacing the OEM fan assembly with a custom hood and electric fan system. Envirocool was the first place winner at the 2017 SAE/NASA Techbriefs Media CREATE THE FUTURE Design Contest and is gearing up with quickly with extensive testing and market roll-out planning.

Flying V Group will be assisting Envirocool with a custom website design and development that includes an e-commerce portion for the company to sell their patented air filters that reduce engine heat output and prolong the life cycle of the engine. Flying V Group will be incorporating design elements that are consistent with modern tech websites to display the capabilities of the product.

“Our team at Flying V Group loves working with those in the tech space and especially ones that bring the entrepreneurial spirit to the work they are doing. Envirocool is already making great strides in their space and we look forward to helping assist them with their exposure issues and creating the availability for product sales online,” commented Tyler Fahrion from Flying V Group.

Flying V Group adds Envirocool to their growing list of tech companies that also includes, MelRok Energy, GodCasting, and The Training Advisors.

About Flying V Group

For more information on Flying V Group and its services, call (949) 940-8884 or visit Flying V Group is headquartered in Irvine, CA and is a full service digital marketing agency that specializes in website design, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing strategies.

For More Information Please Contact:

Flying V Group
34 Executive Park, #260
Irvine, CA 92614

April 5, 2019



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