How to Optimize Your Marketing and Advertising Strategy (1)

How to Optimize Your Marketing and Advertising Strategy

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Is your marketing or advertising strategy underperforming?

According to HubSpot, only 61 percent of marketers believe they are running an effective marketing strategy.

There are so many businesses out there vying for customers’ attention daily. It, therefore, poses a challenge for companies that want to improve their online visibility. Hence the need for marketing campaigns.

We can define a marketing campaign as a set of strategic activities business owners are involved in to help promote their goals or objectives. It utilizes different platforms such as social media, print media, online ads, and lots more.

However, some ideas may work better than others, and that’s why you need marketing optimization.


(Source: Blast Analytics)

But what does optimization mean?

We’ll answer this question and many others in this article. But before then, here’s everything we will cover:

  • What is a Campaign in Marketing?
  • What is Marketing Campaign?
  • 3 Tips on How to Effectively Execute a Marketing Campaign
  • Cross-Channel Marketing
  • Marketing Data
  • Steps in Developing a Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Optimization
  • How To Optimize Your Marketing and Advertising Strategies

So let’s start from the basics: what is a campaign in marketing?

What is a Campaign in Marketing?

If you are familiar with elections, you will be familiar with the term campaign. What campaigns in politics do is similar to what campaigns do in marketing. However, in politics, a campaign has to do with a set of planned activities by a politician or political party before the elections to win a particular position.

Similarly, a campaign in marketing is an approach to marketing where a product, service, brand, or business is promoted through a clearly defined structural marketing campaign with a specific goal in mind.

Now, let’s look at one question: “what is marketing campaign?”

What is Marketing Campaign?

A marketing campaign is all the strategic marketing effort put into a business with the sole aim of promoting its set goal.

Marketing campaigns are designed to make it easy to get customers’ attention using either print advertisement, television, email marketing, or social media. These media have proven to be one of the best ways to increase business awareness and drag customers to the business.

The main component of an integrated marketing campaign is promotion, pricing, merchandising, distribution, and advertising. Almost all businesses will need these to increase sales and grow through marketing and advertising strategies.

Some of the marketing campaigns you can use to optimize digital marketing strategy are:

  • brand launch campaigns
  • brand awareness campaigns
  • seasonal push campaigns
  • product launch campaigns
  • rebranding campaigns
  • contest marketing campaigns
  • And lots more

3 Tips on How to Effectively Execute a Marketing Campaign

If you need some tips on executing a campaign in your marketing, you are reading the right article. Here are three suggestions:

1. Know Your Target Customers

Don’t just start a marketing campaign without knowing what your target customers want. Before starting a marketing campaign, you should do good research to understand your customer’s needs. Then, commit a reasonable amount of time and resources to find out as much as possible those things that your customers feel attracted to that your business offer.

Your campaign should be designed around the things you found out during your research. We bet you if you did your research well and developed your integrated marketing campaignsh around your findings, you will be surprised with the long queue of customers that will flock to your business.

2. Maximize the Use of Social Media

Social media host billions of people all year round. Many people discovered man brands, products, and businesses on social media. If you are looking at optimizing your marketing and advertising strategy, then another better place you can do that is using social media.


(Source: Jeff Bullas)

3. Use Influencers

Brands and businesses that have discovered influencers’ significant role in marketing are smiling at the bank every day. Many people’s comments on your business can make or mar your business. Using such people to your advantage is a sure way to increase your business awareness. Many people use a particular product just because an influencer says the product is a good one.

Now, let’s get to the next point. We would like to discuss Cross-channel-marketing-definition.

Cross-Channel Marketing

Cross-channel marketing is a type of marketing that allows business owners and marketers to get across to their customers through call centers, emails, mobile, SMS, in-store, direct mails, websites, and apps. These are all cross-channel marketing examples.


(Source: Marketing91)

Other cross-channel marketing examples include blogs, web ads, webinars, business cards, and vudeos.

While other marketing strategies can bring customers, cross-channel marketing doesn’t just bring customers. Still, it helps retain customers through continuous conversation with the customers through the channels they use as long as they keep using those channels. It leads to the retention of customers and makes them loyal to the brand or business.

In addition, cross-channel marketing helps marketers to solve two problems. The first is the problem that comes with mixed messages. For example, sometimes a company may send a 25% coupon offer today to a customer, and then a 45% coupon offer the next day.

This problem put the customer in a state of confusion. But with cross-channel marketing, this is not a problem because it helps marketers be consistent with their message with each customer.

The second problem it solves is the problem of frequency of contact. Sometimes a company may bombard a customer with the same SMS every day. While the customer is trying to wrap his head around the SMS, he also discovers that the same company is sending him an email on the same product.

It is frustrating to every customer, and the subsequent action of most customers is to unsubscribe to the emails and SMS of the company. But cross-channel marketing helps identify who is receiving what message and the number of times the message is being sent to customers.


(Source: Salesforce)

To enjoy the benefits of cross-channel marketing, you will need to add marketing data to your cross-channel marketing strategy.

That’s all we’ll cover for cross-channel-marketing-definition. Now, let’s look at marketing data definition.

Marketing Data

Data has become one of the fundamentals of successful marketing. Marketing data definition is all the information obtained from different interactions and touchpoints between a customer and a business, brand, or product, collected either privately or publicly. These data help identify potential customers and develop compelling content when building your marketing campaigns to win these customers.

Data helps a brand to analyze its ROI. Without data, there can never be analysis; without analysis, there is no way a brand can justify its ROI.

Are you wondering where you can get your marketing data from? If you have a website for your business, you need not crack your brain over where to get data. Your business website is the number one touchpoint for each of your customers.

You can know the number of people who visit your website, their location, and how long they stay on your site. You can get other data from your social media page and lead generation.

Steps in Developing a Marketing Strategy

If you want to start developing your marketing strategies, we’ll show you how.

1. Have a Vision

The first step in developing a marketing strategy is vision. You must have heard before that the people perish where there is no vision. This truth is also applicable to every business. Any business that does not have a vision is heading to collapse. You start by clearly stating straightforward terms where you want to see your business over 12 months. If you can see it, then you can get it.

This vision should be realistic. You don’t have to make it complex and many. See a high-priority goal and focus your mind on achieving it.

2. Carry Out a Research

Since the first step in developing a marketing strategy is vision, research is simply the second step.

Someone once asked, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Likewise, carrying out research is a way of helping you know the cost of achieving your vision for your business.

It will help drive your marketing strategy during implementation. For example, you should look out for who your competitors are, who your customers are, how your products can meet your customers’ needs, and so on.

3. Decide and Write Down Your Research Findings

When making your decision after your research, you must consider your product, price, place, and promotion as you make that big decision. Then write down how the attributes of your products add value to the market, how you intend to use your price to influence the market perception of your products, where you intend to make your product available for purchase, and how you intend to interact and communicate with the customers.

Have you heard of the saying, “Write the vision down, make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it?” When you have all these written down, it will help you keep track of your progress and keep your mind fresh on your vision for your business.

 4. Start Implementation

The next thing is to implement your marketing strategy according to your vision. As long as you implement your vision through your research findings, expect growth.

It is also essential you know that the market changes and sometimes what works last week may not work the following week. So be flexible to absorb the market changes and change your strategies to meet the market’s needs at all times.

Marketing Optimization

Traditional methods of marketing were mostly limited to ads on television and newspapers. Hence, it was pretty challenging to determine the success of a marketing campaign. However, all these changed with the introduction of the internet.

The digital ad spends worldwide is projected at 441.12 billion dollars in 2022.


(Source: Invoca)

Marketers can now get every minute detail of their marketing campaign to ascertain what works and doesn’t. And that’s what marketing optimization is about.

Marketing optimization analyzes different factors influencing a marketing campaign to arrive at the best possible solution.

What does optimization mean?

Optimization is the process of making something as practical and functional as possible. To make the most of your digital marketing campaign, optimizing your marketing is the best way to go about it.


(Source: SNHU)

What does optimization mean to a digital marketer?

An efficient marketing strategy will go a long way to boost your profit, especially when optimizing your system. By optimizing your marketing and advertising strategies, you will be taking a closer look at your campaign data and making informed decisions that will work in your favor.

How To Optimize Your Marketing and Advertising Strategies

You can do marketing optimization regularly or hire a marketing strategy agency.


(Source: Sketch Bubble)

Whichever one you choose, here’s how to optimize digital marketing strategy:

1. Automate the Process Using Optimization Tools

You will need to have all the necessary data to see what is working in your favor and what isn’t. Since marketing optimization can help build your brand, improve your ROI, and achieve your goals, you can incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

For your marketing and advertising strategy to be more effective, you must use marketing optimization tools.

With media optimizers, small and medium business owners can measure the returns on investment of their marketing campaigns. By doing this, you can determine if your investment leads to more conversions and sales.

These optimization tools can be categorized as:

  • Mix models optimization
  • Program metrics
  • Marketing simulation
  • Targeting optimization

The optimization tools or media optimizers you choose will depend on the type of business you run and your marketing campaign size. The result you will get from each one differs as you measure the impact of your marketing strategy.

2. Collect Relevant data

Your brand needs marketing analytics to make your digital marketing strategies work effectively. Marketing analytics tools will make getting data, analyzing them, and tracking your website performance easier.

Different analytics tools can help improve your digital marketing presence, and Google Analytics is one of them. The metrics from these tools will help you identify which ads are getting clicks and which ones you should stop spending on.

3. Get Insights on Your arget audience

One of the ways to optimize digital marketing and advertising strategy is by researching your target audience.

Social media optimization experts help make it easy to get more information about your target audience and connect with them.


(Source: Social Champ)

You can see the marketing and advertising strategy you need to spend money on by knowing who they are. Also, you will be able to create customized messages that will help you convert more leads into paying customers. It is either you do these yourself or get social media optimization experts to help you.

You can get insights about your audience, analyze the information, and decide on the best ways to reach them.

4. Prioritize SEO

You can also optimize your digital marketing and advertising strategy by incorporating search engine optimization (SEO). SEO helps to boost your ranking in search engine result pages, which, in turn, will help to improve your visibility and make your brand popular.


(Source: Oberlo)

Do you want to make your business more accessible to internet users?

Then use SEO tools like keyword explorers and analyzers, site explorers, backlink checkers, and so on. Finally, prioritizing your SEO has a lot to do with improving your content marketing strategies.

Ready To Revamp Your Brand?

Marketing optimization is a process that takes time, but the results are always rewarding.

However, if you can’t devote your time to optimizing your digital marketing and advertising strategy, our marketing strategy agency can help.

We at FlyingVGroup are more than happy to rebrand your digital marketing strategy and get you noticed online. Contact us.


Thank you so much for reading How to Optimize Your Marketing and Advertising Strategy . We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know.

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Written by Robb Fahrion

Robb Fahrion is a Co-Founder and Partner of Flying V Group. Robb has helped over 350+ companies build their businesses online and is responsible for building Flying V Group into one of the premier marketing agencies in the United States. Robb and his team have managed over $10M in marketing budget and continue to accelerate the growth of clients' businesses. A love for business and competition is what fuels Robb to create dynamic marketing plans to help his clients grow exponentially.

February 3, 2022



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